Pressure Cooker Christmas Pudding

Makes sufficient to fill 2 x 2pint (1 litre) plus 1 x 1 pint (500ml) pudding basins.
As only one pudding at a time can be cooked in the pressure cooker, the remaining puddings can be covered and stored in the refrigerator or freezer prior to cooking.
Makes sufficient to fill 2 x 2pint (1 litre) plus 1 x 1 pint (500ml) pudding basins.
As only one pudding at a time can be cooked in the pressure cooker, the remaining puddings can be covered and stored in the refrigerator or freezer prior to cooking.
- 1lb (450g) soft brown sugar
- 8oz (225g) self-raising flour
- 12oz (325g) fresh white breadcrumbs
- 1lb (450g) currants
- 1lb (450g) sultanas
- 1lb (450g) raisins
- 12oz (325g) shredded suet
- 4oz (100g) mixed peel
- 2oz (50g) chopped almonds
- 1 apple, grated
- Grated rind and juice of one orange
- 1 teaspoon mixed spice
- Half a nutmeg, grated
- 1 level teaspoon of salt
- 6 eggs, beaten
- Quarter of a pint (150ml) brown ale
To be added after cooking
- 5 tablespoons of brandy or rum
Grease your pudding basins and place a small circle of greaseproof paper in the bottom of each. Mix all the ingredients well in a large mixing bowl. Divide between the basins. Cover with a pleated square of greased baking parchment, tucking it tightly under the rim of the basin. Cover again with a pleated square of foil, sealing it tightly under the rim of the basin. Prepare a folded strip of foil to lift the pudding in and out of the pressure cooker.
Place the trivet and 3 pints (1.5 litres) of boiling water in the pressure cooker and stand the pudding on the trivet. Pre-boil for 25 minutes (without sealing the lid) and then add more boiling water to maintain the level.
Fit the pressure lid and bring the pressure to the 2nd red ring. Adjust the heat to maintain this pressure for 2 hours, allowing the pressure to reduce naturally after cooking. Take the pudding out of the cooker and remove the parchment and foil lid. Immediately spoon over one tablespoon of brandy then leave to cool in the basin. When cold, the pudding can either be removed from the basin or left in it. Either way, it should be wrapped in greaseproof paper and foil and can be stored in a cool place for up to 6 months. Unwrap and add more brandy from time to time if storage is to be longer than 3 months.
Re-heat when required. Place the trivet and 2 pints (1 litre) of boiling water in the pressure cooker. Cover the pudding with a parchment and foil lid as before. Stand the basin on the trivet.
Fir the pressure lid and bring the pressure to the 2nd red ring. Adjust the heat to maintain this pressure for 20 to 30 minutes depending on the size. Allow the pressure to reduce naturally. Turn the pudding out onto a warm plate and serve with brandy sauce.