Keep Your Dog Safe This Bonfire Night
As we all know, Guy Fawkes night is a fantastic, fun tradition. However it can also be a stressful time for that furry friend in your life.
Try these useful tips to help make your pet more relaxed and happy during fireworks season:
- Walk your dog at times when he or she is not going to be exposed to fireworks.
- Avoid letting them off the lead when in area of risk to firework exposure.
- Always ensure your dog has it's identification tag on, even if you are just letting him or her out in the garden.
- Contact your vet to discuss options to help your dog through this diffcult time.
- Create a safe place in your home for your dog to retreat to when worried.
- Try to engage them in in activities that may help him to focus on other things like simple training or food activity toys.
- Try not to leave your dog alone in your home when fireworks are being used.
- Close the curtains and leave the television or radio on to try and mask any outside sound.
Follow the link below for more information and advice from Dogs Trust on how to keep your dog safe this November 5th: