Bread Sauce
Serves 8
- 1 small onion, trimmed & peeled
- 2 cloves
- 1 bay leaf
- 1/2 pint (300ml) full fat milk
- 4oz (100g) fresh white breadcumbs
- 1oz (25g) butter
- Salt & freshly ground black pepper
- 2-3 gratings of fresh nutmeg
- A little cream
Stud the onion with the cloves and place with the bay leaf and milk in a saucepan. On the Simmering Plate, heat the milk until it's almost to boiling point, then cover and leave at the back of the AGA to allow it to infuse for at least an hour.Remove the bay leaf and onion and add the breadcrumbs and butter. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg.
When you are ready to serve the sauce, add the cream. Adjust the consistency by adding extra milk if it is too thick for your taste, or extra breadcrumbs if it's too thin. You can make the sauce several hours ahead of your meal. It can be kept hot in the Simmering or Warming Oven, in a serving jug covered with cling film, without any deterioration.
Recipe by Richard Maggs